Thursday, June 19, 2014

Cute Food

I've made some "cute" food from Pinterest in the past.  Here are a few examples:

Mater Cupcakes

These were made for the little one's 3rd birthday, which was a Cars theme.  Not too hard to make and turned out pretty cute.  

Rice Krispie Christmas Trees

The Christmas trees seemed like they would be simple, but they were probably the messiest and stickiest things I have ever made.  You have to make rice krispie treats and add green food coloring while you're making them.  A LOT of green food coloring! Otherwise you have mint colored trees.  I went through like 3 bottles of green food coloring to make one batch of these.  You then mold them by hand into tree shaped cones and add large sprinkles for ornaments.  The base of the trees are Reese's Miniatures.  I will never make these again.  Too much work and they weren't even that good.

Deviled Egg Chicks

OK, so these look cute, but like the Krispie Trees, they were just not worth the trouble.  As you can see in the picture, I gave up after half of the eggs were done.  I couldn't stand to do any more.  They are also hard to eat when they are basically whole stuffed eggs.  Halves are much better.

Well, that is a few of the "cute" foods that I have made.  Crafting foods just isn't that fun.  It just gets eaten.  No one really gets to enjoy the cuteness of it.  They just stuff it into their mouth like anything else and that's that.  Luckily I'm the weirdo that takes pictures of the food she makes.

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